The partners of the chair opted for dynamic governance to ensure that it is adapted both to the innovative and interdisciplinary nature of the work and to the need to take full account of industrial challenges. Open to international cooperation, it monitors the relevance of research topics and oversees the methodology and scientific approach applied to the research work. This role is fulfilled by two advisory boards – strategic and technical.

Strategic Advisory Board

With equal representation from ECN and RTE, the strategic advisory board steers scientific policy, meeting twice a year to establish the guidelines. It approves the research topics, determines the annual budget allocation for each project and assesses the chair’s activities.


Arnaud Poitou

Director of Centrale Nantes and former director of the GeM


Bodgan marinescu
Bogdan Marinescu

RTE-Centrale Nantes Head of the chair, Professor at Centrale Nantes



Yannick-Jacquemart - Copie

Yannick Jacquemart
Director of R&D and Innovation at RTE





Gabriel Bareux
Head of Systems Expertise, R&D and Innovation Division at RTE


Technical Advisory Board

The technical advisory board provides scientific and technological support for the chair’s research activities. Its membership varies according to the research topics in order to ensure operational effectiveness. The board meets two or three times a year as and when needed.


Jean-Baptiste Heyberger

Research engineer, Head of the New Technology Integration Group at RTE R&D.

Florent Xavier

Research engineer at RTE R&D

Marianne Saugier

Research engineer at RTE R&D

Patrick Panciatici

Scientific Advisor at RTE

Frank Plestan

Professor, Centrale Nantes – IRCCyN

Anthony Nouÿ

Professor, Centrale Nantes – GeM

Jean-Jacques Loiseau

Research Director, CNRS-IRCCyN

Bogdan Marinescu

Professor, Centrale Nantes – IRCCyN